This is not limited to black conservatives. There is some sort of paralysis, which affects both white and black conservatives alike. I fear that we are afflicted with the conviction that speaking out and deploring the current state of affairs makes us feel that we have done our part. We don’t like to make noise or protest or march or be disruptive in any real way. Trump was willing to do these things and he reached a lot of people because of that. We lack follow through. I feel badly for the pastor who is a man of action and is being let down.

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I agree with you.

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Your article underscores a common human failing. Many of us like to preach from an easy chair or a lecturn, but it's much harder to rise out of that comfy spot and do something constructive. You and Pastor Brooks put the armchair theorists to shame, by demonstrating that theory needs to be put into practice.

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Yep, but all credit to the Pastor. I'm just supporting him in any way I can.

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I was very happy to read about the start of the project for the community center. Pastor Brooks has been tireless in his fundraising along with his staff. Bravo. There are other examples of action speaking louder than words - I encourage you to learn more about the San Miguel School in Providence RI.

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I will do so.

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A message that needs to be repeated and heard by everyone across America. What can follow is change in government policy and projects like those of Pastor Brooks to spread across this wonderful, hopeful Country for all the people united.

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So important!

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Well said.

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If anyone wants to donate to Pastor Brooks and his organization, go to projecthood.org

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