We are all given gifts and challenges, Eli. You have chosen to use yours in a way that serves the good, rather than stewing in bitterness and resentment, and we are all richer for it. Keep up the good work and God bless. You are truly making a difference in the world.

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele


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Thank you!

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Chris here (the other half of the Pairodocs). Julie and I watched "What Killed Michael Brown", and were very moved and impressed. You and your father are amazing people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do. I go through periods of being hopeless about our society and our future. People like you keep me going.

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Ah, now your name makes sense. :) A huge thank you for watching the film - it was a pleasure to make. Hopefully, the next one will be in the same level or better. My best to you both.

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

Eli, thank you for sharing yourself with us. We all are given various gifts but we all get to our life's work in very diverse ways. Your sharing is a motivator for many of your readers and we are all much better people by reading and/or listening to all your experiences. At 72, your sharing is still helping me be a much better person.

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Means much, Rick. Thank you.

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

Thank you for the encouragement Eli to be grateful for what has happened and to keep trying. I was born with severe hearing impairment and then surgery and had to receive speech therapy and went to two different centers for speech before I learned to talk. I then I was tested for a learning disability in college and I think it’s bc I couldn’t hear and learn to speak. I have learned ASL 🤟 and can speak and no hearing challenges but mine is similar in is that it is a regular struggle to enunciate clearly and slowly. It’s frustrating and exhausting too. Through my struggles, I have heard I have helped others. And have been drawn to those who are deaf and have disABILITIES! I have worked with these special ppl most of it not all of my jobs. I feel more like them than others.

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Thank you and thank you for sharing. :)

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:) thank you for reading

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

Great article! I like your writing style, very enjoyable to read! Thank you for sharing!!

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

Excellent article, Eli.

Thank you for your insights and for making the world a better place through your art.

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Thank you!

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

I had no idea Eli. God bless you and your family.

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Jun 26Liked by Man of Steele

A grateful heart is the greatest blessing. You have it. You are blessed.

After REAL BELIEF in God as described in the Bible, the next thing I would want all Americans to have would be gratitude. What a dramatically different nation we would be!

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Thank you, Lee.

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Eli you are the man and my experience in life has always been those with true disabilities get stronger from their challenges while those feigning them whine and act like victims. Thanks for sharing.

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