You are a man of integrity, brilliant like your father! Thanks for tackling the worst racist in America today. He won’t admit it, but you won the argument!

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I don't know about the rest of the world, but in order to read ALL the articles and books out there, I often skim. It would have been INCREDIBLY EASY to miss a one-liner (or even one paragraph or even one chapter) at the END of the book that said he had cancer. But what the heck does it matter anyway??? So he had cancer when he wrote his book... I don't think it counts for all that much. It does not make him any more right than if he did not have cancer.

I know a lot of people who were miserable jerks up until their day of death. Dying or having an illness does not suddenly turn you into a saint with special privileges .

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Exactly. What you're suffering from at the moment isn't armor to protect your ideas from criticism. Steve Jobs was a miserable individual most of his life, denied that his daughter was his, then paid only $500/month once paternity was established. He screwed Woz out of money when he had the opportunity, but when the cancer closed in and it looked like the end, he turned into Ghandi. I read some of the stuff he wrote at the end, but through the lens of his life it sounded like too little, too late.

Kendi is a race baiter, pure and simple. Do racists exist? Yes. Is everyone a racist, all institutions racist? Certainly not, and it's a hell of a lot better today than it was 70 years, light years from 170 years ago. Kendi sees racists everywhere because Kendi is a racist. If you disagree with that assessment, you're a racist. What a great argument! You're an asshole and if you disagree with me, that only means you're a bigger asshole.

It's like bullet-proof. Total self-referential, illogical, and self-serving, but it's all he's got.

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Amazing and so well explained. Your analogy to doctors creating a disease for profit was spot on. So much of the woke ideology is “made up” just to fit what is wanted as an end result in the name of virtue. Not a good way to create a civilized society. Thanking you for you wisdom.

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Great article!

Labels.......suck! We are called Individuals but we are slotted into a group. The person/people who do that are lazy; they don’t necessarily have an agenda, they are just pathetically monolithic in their assessment. In high school I was in journalism for 4 years, I was in the National Honor Society, was an Attendant for Homecoming, in the top 10% academically, Lettermans Club, and was All-State in basketball. Which of the above did, virtually everyone, associate most with me?

Basketball, mainly because its played in front of large crowds. You may say “of course, how else would anybody know about your other accomplishments?”. But that’s just the point, most of us are too lazy to dig any further because it takes effort, and a desire to know. I made a decision, a long time ago, to have only a handful of friends. Don’t get me wrong, I have “tons” of acquaintances and I continue to be engaged with them but my friendships are the greatest.

Steve Martin is a world class banjo player, Hedy Lamar created the guidance system for torpedoes, Viggo Mortensen speaks 8-9 languages, has his art displayed in galleries across the globe, collaborated with Buckethead on music, started a successful publishing company, and even sang one of the songs in The Lord of the Rings movie.

The limitations are created by us, an individual, not by a group of people. There are in excess of 233,000,000 Americans, the last election shows we are extremely divided (virtually 50/50)... how in the world could there be a label like “America is Racist”?

People make choices and those choices are more of a reflection on us versus the one we choose.

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The Steele apple doesn’t fall far from the Steele tree. You do your father proud Eli. You equal him in principled, honest, intelligent, and articulate argument. Bravo!

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You are correct on all accounts. He only responded for the sympathy and the “shame on you” points and stuck with it despite your extremely pithy elaboration. He has not once sparred with anyone who has entreated him. He runs every time. It wouldn’t have mattered if you had read the book - he’s not interested in engaging with anyone who doesn’t kiss the ring.

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Haven't John McWhorter and/or Coleman Hughes invited Kendi to debate, but he refused?

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They totally have and that's why I as SHOCKED that he replied to Eli! Eli you should be flattered you got a reply out of him!:)

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Eli's reasoning and credibility pose a threat, Ms. Leamy. I would respectfully suggest that the reply was an attempt to counter that threat, rather than a compliment.

The threat posed by Mr. Steele is not merely his erudition, it's also his deployment of one of the most devastating weapons of all; common sense.

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well said Ted!!

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So beautifully written. I envy this gift you have to bring the reader triumph and tears with your words.

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Your writing is very impressive. I have not read a more eloquent and respectful retort to Kendi’s work. Bravo!

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You are awesome Eli!! Keep doing it!!!! He knows the truth.

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…Great invocation of James Brown, who, indeed, got it right.

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Kudos! A brilliant reply!

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Eli you are a man of principle. Thank you

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I'm totally shocked he replied to you! John McWhorter and Coleman Hughes have been asking him to engage in a debate with them for a couple of years now.

Well done!!

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Oh, if only I could write like you. Superb. Another eloquent response so deeply needed. You clearly touched a nerve with Mr. Kendi. Thank you so much. And please thank your father as well. This country desperately needs your voices out there. Don’t stop.

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Love it, Eli. You are my hero!!! Not only do you have the courage to say what you mean, but you're also an excellent writer. Keep up the good work.

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Love the work you do.

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Great article. Kendi is a faux intellectual with nothing of substance or value to add to the public discourse. His cultish ideology is anathema to our society and our culture, and the sooner he is marginalized as the grifting race hustler that he is, the better.

Love your work and always grateful for your thoughtful and well-considered perspective.

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