nailed it.

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This is powerful; can he re-publish this everywhere? Please.

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Thank you for sharing this and to your dad for writing it. You know in 12 step programs like Alanon there is saying that goes "there are no victims, just volunteers." This is not a trite statement but a very powerful one. Many of the folks come into that program thinking they and all their problems are defined by the alcoholic and his/her actions. Learning the lesson that they are more than simply victims and that while no doubt many bad things have happened to them, their future is dependent upon what they do, and they can indeed be happy whether the alcoholic ever gets sober or not. This awakening has set many a lost soul on a path that leads somewhere. I pray that the Palestinians and all the groups you and your dad write about can find that grace and power to move forward no matter what their "oppressors" did or did not do in the past - and will or will not do in the future.

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God grant me the serenity to except the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. notinourname.net jewishvoiceforpeace.org

*Help the needy Jews, living below poverty levels, to include holocaust survivors, they are all located in the State of Israel = Help.ifcj.org. Shalom

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How very prescient. This read as if it were written today.

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Sadly you will re-publish this again.

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The wisdom of the wise needs to be disseminated everywhere and very often. Your father’s words and your efforts are what is needed; we can’t stop. Israel shouldn’t stop and terrorists and barbarians need to be eradicated.

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Absolutely 👍

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boycott.thewitness.news Who supports Hamas? What corporations-businesses support Israel?

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Your wise father’s piece written in 2010 spells out our recurring themes as humans. My Jewish friends call these moments in time existential, and they are afraid. We must call out evil whenever it occurs. Hamas is not helping the Palestinian people. Netanyahu is not helping the Jewish people. I pray for wise leaders.

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Thank you for your approval of my contribution. Shalom.

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