I wish, so so deeply, that our course as Americans, black and white, had taken such a different turn after World War II. Mr. Poitier's face and eyes to me betray such a sadness and anger at the condescension that he faces due to the subject that he is addressing here. Why have we failed so badly? After the Civil War, until WWII, there were glimpses of such promise and possibility that all Americans could be judged solely on their merits and talents and that nothing else mattered. There to me seem to be so many instances of when we were just about to achieve liftoff, and were about to shake off all of the legacies of the past, only to be collectively smacked back down again by unseen hands.

As an American, dismayed and distraught by so much of what seems to be happening to my country, I feel very close to Mr. Poitier and I feel like I share his anger very deeply.

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I agree. Malcolm x was right. The white liberal ia danger

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Poitier was also Bahamian.

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Sad and true. I’m an American and I don’t care if you’re black, yellow, white, brown, gay or straight. We are American and everyone should be treated the same always. I am a mutt with probably at least 6 different cultures and I’m a proud mutt. Don’t know why everyone can’t just be the same person to each other. Some are fake as F*** , I can be nice and just not wanna be in their crowd.

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We worked so hard and were on our way to being a color blind society..until… well you know.😔

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Deja vu all over again...2024 is 1968 for half the country. God help us.

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