Mar 21Liked by Man of Steele

Is there still a screening in the works on 4/6 at Stonestown?

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I respect you for stating what you have researched and think to be the truth, knowing that some that disagree will walk rather than stay in the discussion. I have found, as I’m sure you have as well, that most of those that skedaddle do so because they are either too lazy to research or they know that the truth is not on their side. The only way we can get as close to the truth as humanly possible is to allow open, rigorous, civil debate. To those that walk I say - don’t let the door hit you in the arse!

Thank you for all that you and your father do … retired on a fixed income so can only financially support a limited amount of substacks unfortunately.

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I am not surprised. Stanford is a bastion of "right" think (think left think) and has been for decades. I still remember getting a 2020 George Floyd related frenzied letter as an alum from the President self flagellating about how racism must be expunged from campus and how they were creating committees among other activities to expedite the expungement. I wrote back (someone but obviously not the President responded with essentially a non-response) pointing out that 1) white students on campus were not close to a majority and seeing how this was a West coast university I wasn't sure how much "White Supremacy" there could be and 2) as a student several decades ago Stanford already had ethnic theme dorms (Hispanic, Black, Asian) and official ethnic offices on Stanford campus staffed by students. In short, I doubted that Stanford was afflicted with enough racism to justify the hair on fire tone of the letter and this was undoubtedly a response to the summer of 2020 in an effort to placate students and leftist alumni.

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Waiting for you to come to Contra Costa County. Superb work, Eli. Today’s post re math in education is sooo important. It’s hard to believe this needs to be fought for. BTW you might find this this post of interest. https://dianekern.substack.com/p/the-loss-of-the-baby-doll

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Attracting the attention of the likes of Bill and Elon is well deserved. When I share your articles on my NRPLUS Facebook group they attract many compliments, comments, and likes. The group consists of some of the most intelligent, thinking people I have ever come across.

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Keep up the good work Eli!

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Because the word equality sounds a lot like the word equity, to this day there are well-meaning liberals who don't realize that one is about encouraging hard work and high standards while the other is a manipulative free ride that ignores merit and fosters failure in the name of fairness. You're providing the most pointed, concrete and relevant examples of the corrupt nature of equity that I've encountered. Bravo.

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These people are breathtakingly dishonest. When I think I’ve heard the worst, they outdo themselves in yet another travesty.

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