I sincerely hope that you are correct and things are changing. God Bless Pastor Brooks and his continued ministry!

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More strength to Pastor Brooks! A very inspirational leader.

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God bless Pastor Brooks! Let's see what happens and whether or not this new building/"program" will genuinely help kids as Brooks' ministry has done.

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The Democrats want to eliminate the two-party system in order to have total control over public policy. So, Rev. Brooks’ success to-date is very annoying to them. His magnificent community center had to be taken down a peg, because how dare he have the temerity to avoid a victim mentality, embrace self-reliance by raising all the funds himself with the participation of people of all races and classes, and define himself as a Conservative and appear on the Fox network, which supports You Know Who.

In short, Chicago city government would like Rev. Brooks to disappear, so they are attempting to overshadow his success. This strategy is petty and doomed to fail, because Rev. Brooks is known and loved for his sacrifices, his unflagging commitment to the neighborhood, and his deep understanding of the community’s needs.

If Rev. Brooks had not built his center where he did, would the city have decided to build one close by? Or anywhere else in the city? Hard to say for sure, but the city’s ongoing abandonment of O block prior to the success of Rev. Brooks’ project speaks for itself.

On the bright side, maybe Rev. Brooks’ example will rub off on the bureaucrats, whose primary focus is usually reserved for lying, virtue signaling, identity politics, and getting re-elected.

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Pastor Brooks is a hero. And, he is indeed having an impact!!! Long needed.

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Another thing Pastor Brooks has on his side is the LORD. If God be for you, who can be against you? May the Lord God bless you Pastor Brooks and bless your work.

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I salute Pastor Brooks and hate the thought government is doing anything to impede his ministry, but it appears so.

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