It’s always fascinating to watch these videos. A similar one from, I think, The View (?) was circulating yesterday. In all of them the white interrogator constantly interrupts the black person he’s questioning. It’s almost as though they don’t believe the black person is worthy of common courtesy, his own viewpoint, being allowed to answer the question asked, etc. If these interrogators really believed the black person to be his equal, he’d not treat him like this

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I was also offended by the interruptions talking over Mr. Steele. Once again Shelby Steele has demonstrated his innate dignity.

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Unfortunately, Charlie Rose displayed the same behavior toward Thomas Sowell in an interview many years ago. The grievance mongers have so penetrated the psyche of American society that many journalists simply are not capable of accepting the rational views of independent thinking, black intellectuals, such as Shelby Steele.

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Yes, it was infuriating to hear Charlie Rose interrupt Steele over and over again. What arrogance. But to be fair (or maybe simply to be accurate), Rose did that to all his guests, if I remember correctly.

Also, certain interviewers will interrupt when they have such intense hatred for the guest that they refuse to listen. I've seen women do this to Jordan Peterson. And I recently saw a trans activist attempt to do it to Douglas Murray.

In the cases I just mentioned, it didn't go well for the interrupters.

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Eli, you and your father are doing great work in this unfolding discussion. Your documentary on Michael Brown should be mandatory for anyone struggling with these issues in the aftermath of George Floyd. We need to stop depriving blacks, especially, of personal responsibility and agency. And we need to be mindful, as Glenn Loury points out, that it is foolish to expect racial groups to lift each other up.

Americans are doing their best to show the world what a melting pot looks like. Our citizens can become less focused on condemnation if they are given a broader set of opinions. Like those of the Steele family.

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I got an email from you today, my first contact with your substack. I have long been an admirer of your dad, Dr. Shelby Steele, and have followed his career and writings for years. I, too, am in academia, and have always appreciated his perspective. Thank you for your update on this newest decision from the Supreme Court, a decision we are all cheering! :-)

Virginia Brow, M.A. TESOL

Instructor of ESL

George Mason University

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