Preach! What do you think of removing the hyphen? We are all Americans first, so instead of Black or African-American we should say American of African descent. Or just plain American.

Elevate MLKs dream and end BLMs nightmare: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/inspiring-speeches-mlk-i-have-a-dream-gonzlira

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I’ve often wondered what would happen if I put my hands on my hips and proclaimed ‘I’m Swedish-American!’ My grandparents were from Sweden. And…it matters why?

I’m much more inclined to say, ‘I’m Diane, join me for coffee?’ Some might say, oh you’re denying the black experience. Am I? I grew up in Oakland and in my younger days went door to door in low income neighborhoods to register folks to vote. Hmmn. ‘Low income neighborhoods’. Euphemisms abound. I can’t keep up with the PC police. Nice to meet you Eli.

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Who Can Forget The Mexican American song Hollywood Gave us in the 70's


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Thanks for the "needed" giggles! Chicago - Woodstock generation granny.

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Im a Chiccanna from the Bay....😎

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Point taken. It strikes me as a variation of ‘ooh a black doctor, way to go man!’ The undercurrent tells all. And as you noted, the concept is so very ripe for exploitation. Nice to meet you, I’m Diane and grr, I’M A SHORT PERSON, when do I get a month?! (Is there an emoji for ‘season with humor?’)

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When a person is treated like the rest of the people, in a particular group, that represents “acceptance”.

Black History Month highlights an exception and an exclusion. The “exception” being only honoring Blacks; the “exception” is only honoring Blacks”.

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"The tragedy of today’s America, Black History Month being only one symptom, is that so many of us have fallen into the trap of seeking our own inferiority. For those of us who refuse this path, Black History Month has no meaning because we have “upset the program of the oppressor” by seeking to become fully realized Americans. "

I'm guessing Thomas Sowell would agree with your article, and so do I!!

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Many blessings to you and yours.

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